176 products.
Showing 37-54 of 176 item(s)
Colin Chapman: The Authorised Biography
Colin Chapman the Biography is the official and definitive record of his achievements,...
Ayrton Senna By Bernard Asset - French Edition
Another book about the legendary Brazilian driver? What hasn’t been done about Senna?...
Gerry Birrell: Lost Before His Time
Up-and-coming Scottish ace Gerry Birrell was on the verge of achieving his ambition of...
Jim Crawford: Lessons in Courage
The mention of Jim Crawford’s name instantly produces a smile from those who knew the...
SANDRO MUNARI Una vita di traverso - Nuova...
Risale al 2007 la prima edizione di questo volume che fu l’opera attraverso la quale...
François Mazet, Mes vies à toute vitesse
La biographie de François Mazet a été réalisée avec lui par Jean – Michel Desnoues....
Senna Portrait inédit
Des faits inédits, des impressions jusqu'ici jamais publiées et de nombreux détails...
- Unavailable
La Formule 1, ma famille
Pendant quarante ans, Jean-Louis Moncet a sillonné tous les circuits de Formule 1 du...
Life on the Wilds Side
One of the most popular and successful of the UK's racing drivers, Mike Wilds has a...
Jean Rolland L’épopée inachevée
Fauché en pleine ascension, évoquer la carrière de Jean Rolland c’est aussi rendre...
Norbert Singer – Une vie de passion avec...
Norbert SINGER revient sur quatre décades de compétition PORSCHE
A Race with Infamy The Lance Macklin Story
A colourful character from the golden age of motorsport, Lance Macklin was living a...
Louis Wagner
After triumphing on Long Island in the famous Vanderbilt Cup, King Louis won the first...
Jim Clark en France
With the help of new testimonies from friends and family, exceptional and unpublished...
S.F. EDGE - Maker of Motoring History
Selwyn Francis Edge, invariably known simply as ‘SF’, was a highly significant pioneer...