- Occasion
LA SPORT E I SUOI ARTIGIANI 1937-1965 - Italian...
OSCA built exquisitely engineered cars, mostly with small-capacity engines, until 1967
This book draws on an extraordinary archive of beautiful images, the work of Walter Breveglieri, the famous Bolognese photographer. Breveglieri was renowned in Italy for his work with film and sports stars, but his great passion was motor racing. As an amateur racing driver, he became friends with the Maserati brothers — Ernesto, Ettore and Bindo — and developed enormous loyalty to their marque OSCA (Officine Specializzate Costruzione Automobili), not only competing in OSCA racing cars but also recording the life of the factory and the charismatic machinery it produced. Founded by the Maserati brothers in Bologna in 1947, the same year as the birth of Ferrari in nearby Maranello, OSCA built exquisitely engineered cars, mostly with small-capacity engines, until 1967. Nowadays these little jewels, raced by names like Stirling Moss and Maria Teresa de Filippis, have a dedicated following of car connoisseurs for whom this book will be a treasure trove of evocative imagery.
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Une bonne découverte. Osca est connue de nom, mais la , l histoire est complete et les photos de très bonne qualite. Un ouvage a conserver ,qui va devenir rare,
LA SPORT E I SUOI ARTIGIANI 1937-1965 - Italian...
Stanguellini the other racing car company from...